Union Township

Ringgold County


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Union Township Minutes

Monday, January 30, 2017, Union Township, Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee)

1. Call to Order:  Angie called the meeting to order at 7:12 PM.

2. Minutes:  The minutes of January 12, 2017 were read. Maurice made a motion to accept the minutes as written and Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.

3. Treasurer’s Report:  The current available funds are $24,460. The Liberty Mutual Workmen’s Comp audit for 15/16 requested an additional $532. Angie will pay the invoice.

4. Discussion

5. Ringgold County Cemetery Special Project Grant:  Kevin Creveling had reported to Angie that 10 Ringgold County Cemetery Grant applications to the South Central I Community Foundation had been received. He anticipates all receiving at least partial funding.

6. 2017 Mowing Season:  Ron reported Kevin Kobbe agreed to mow for the 2017 season at the rate of Pumptown at $100/mowing, Ellston at $285/mowing, and the Fire Station at $25/mowing.

7. Remodel old side of Fire Station:  Ron reported that Kevin Kobbe bid dropping the old ceiling for $1,200. Kevin made a motion at accept Kevin Kobbe’s bid and Maurice seconded the motion. Motion passed. Ron will seek insulation and painting bids for an expected $5,000.

8. Firemen Uniforms:  Angie reported the 17/18 budget had been accepted by the auditor and the fire department could proceed with plans for new uniforms.

9. 17/18 Budget:  Ron made a motion to accept the 17/18 budget as posted. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed:

1. $18,369.20  Beginning Balance

2. $7,000   Cemetery

3. $8,500   Tort Liability

4. $39,500  Fire and Emergency Services

5. $55,000  Total

Angie signed and will mail to auditor Amanda Waske.

10. Adjournment:  Maurice motioned to adjourn at 7:36 PM. Ron seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Thursday, January 12, 2017, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Maurice Jones (Trustee0, Kevin Greenland (Trustee)

1. Call to Order:  Angie called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2. Minutes: The minutes of September 1, 2016 were read. Ron made a motion at accept the minutes as written and Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.

3. Treasurer’s Report:  The 12-199-16 US Bank statement’s balance was $24,710.15. $250 was since paid in electric bills. The current available funds are $24,460.

4. Discussion:

a. Ringgold County Cemetery Special Project Grant: offered by South Central IA Community Foundation with NERA being the Fiscal Sponsor. Nan Derscheid is the contact for the amount of $2,500 to reset and repair tombstones in the Ellston Cemetery. The work must be completed by August 1, 2017.

b. 2017 Mowing Season: Maurice made a motion to hire Kevin Kobbe at the rate of Pumptown at $100/mowing, Ellston at $285/mowing, and the Fire Station at $25/mowing. Ron seconded the motion. Motion passed. Ron will contact Kevin.

c. Remodel old side of Fire Station:  $12,822 in 16/17 and $4,504.23 in 15/16 was spent with a total of $17,326 to remodel the old side. It is planned to spend an estimated $5,000 in 16/17 to finish the project by dropping the old ceiling and foam insulating the ceiling and painting the room. Ron will contact Kevin Kobbe for an estimate.

d. Pickup Loan:  $75,867 was financed. $23,274.72 has been paid in three payments. $52,592.28 remains.

e. Firemen Uniforms:  Ron expressed the need to replace the original 1970’s uniforms and equipment for the firemen. The cost is estimated at $1,500-$2,000 per person. With a current force of 14 persons, the total cost will be $21,000 to $28,000.

f. 17/18 Budget:  The budget was reduced $3,600 from 16/17 to $55,000 for 17/18.

1. $18,369.20  Beginning Balance

2. $7,000   Cemetery

3. $8,500   Tort Liability

4. $39,500  Fire and Emergency Services

5. $55,000  Total

5. Next Meeting:  Monday, January 30, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the Fire Station.

6. Adjournment: Kevin motioned to adjourn at 7:56 PM. Maurice seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Thursday, September 1, 2016, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee)

1. Call to Order:  Angie called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2. Minutes:  The minutes of February 9, 2016 were read. Ron made a motion to accept the minutes as written and Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.

3. Discussion:

a. 16/17 LP: Angie reported 700 gals of LP were booked at $1.147/gal with MFA Oil in Lenox.

b. Remodel old side of Fire Station: Ron reported replacement of exterior siding and windows had been completed by Kevin Kobbe. A large old tree on the north side was also removed. Angie paid Southwest Builders $4,504.23 for supplies with a $500 credit remaining. Expenses yet to be paid: Kevin Kobbe’s labor, foam insulation, electrical updates, and interior siding.

c. Flags: Bob Creveling requested that the trustee store the flags at the fire station because no room is available in the Legion Building. Kevin will respond that Fire Chief Tim Creveling is the person in charge to discuss the matter with.

d. 15/16 Township Books: Angie presented the Quicken Report of 15/16. The estimated remaining loan on the pickup was amended to $59,000. Kevin made a motion to accept the Summary Statement of Receipts and Disbursements. Maurice seconded. Motion passed. The trustees signed the summary and Angie will mail it to auditor Amanda Waske.

4. Adjournment:  Maurice motioned to adjourn at 7:29 PM. Ron seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Maurice Jones (Trustee), (Kevin Greenland, Trustee, absent due to illness)

1. Call to Order:  Angie called the meeting to order at 7:18 PM.

2. Minutes:  The minutes of January 26, 2016 were read. Ron made a motion to accept the minutes as written and Maurice seconded the motion. Motion passed.

3. Discussion

a. Ron presented a roster of 15 volunteer fire fighters that will be covered for 2016-17 workmen’s comp insurance, adding Jeremiah Swietlick.

b. Angie reported Kevin Kobbe agreed to mow for the 2016 season at the increased level.

c. Ron summarized possible future expenditures with $1,500 for additional pickup features, tree removal in the Ellston Cemetery, gravel for the Ellston Cemetery, and refurbishing the exterior of the old section of the fire station.

d. Angie reported auditor Amanda Waske had to adjust the proposed budget to not exceed the legal levy of .60750. Maurice made a motion to approve the 2016/17 budget as amended. Ron seconded. Motion passed. Angie will sign and mail budget to the auditor.

e. Expense Claim Forms were signed and will be mailed.

4. Adjournment:  Ron motioned to adjourn at 7:30PM. Maurice seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Ted Derscheid (Guest)

1. Call to Order:  Angie called the meeting to order at 7:12 PM.

2. Minutes:  The minutes of August 19, 2015 were read. Maurice made a motion to accept the minutes as written and Ron seconded the motion. Motion passed.

3. Treasury Report:  Angie reported the current US Bank balance is $17, 295.75. She is still waiting to receive the title for the water tanker truck from the State.

4. Discussion:

a. Ted Derscheid made a request for the Union Township Fire Department to answer any possible fire calls for his Monroe Township P64 silos, rather than the Mount Ayr Fire Department. Ron assured Ted that the Union Township Fire Department has a mutual aid agreement with Ringgold County and will respond. A 911 domain change would need supervisor approval.

b. Angie reported no action had been taken by Winterset Monument to move the misplaced Weigel base off Ron Creveling’s lot. Ron will wait until summer to request County Attorney Clint Spurrier to send written notification that he will remove the base.

c. Angie presented a roster of the 14 volunteer fire fighters that will be covered by 2016-17 workmen’s comp insurance. Ron will confirm this list with Fire Chief Tim Creveling.

d. The consensus was that Kobbe’s Lawn Care had done a good job and should be hired for the 2016 season. Ron made a motion to increase payment of Pumptown Cemetery from $90 to $100/mowing, payment of Ellston Cemetery from $260 to $275/mowing, and keep the Fire Station the same at $25/mowing. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed. Angie will contact Kevin Kobbe.

e. The need to improve the exterior of the old part of the fire station was discussed. Ron suggested a Prairie City company soda blasting the tin before painting the building or Leon’s Delta Metals making a custom tin to wrap the building. Ron will collect information for further discussion.

f. Angie presented the first half Quicken Report for 2015/16. The Annual Comparison Costs Report reflected a carryover of $609.32 from 2014-15. Maurice made a motion to use the same budget as the 2015-16 year for 2016-17. Ron seconded the motion. Motion passed. Angie will mail the proposed budget to the auditor for posting.

g. The next meeting was set for Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 7PM at the Fire Station.

5. Adjournment:  Kevin motioned to adjourn at 8:05 PM. Ron seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee), Maurice Jones (Trustee)

1. Call to Order:  Angie called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2. Minutes:  The minutes of February 9, 2015 were read. Ron motioned to accept the minutes as written and Maurice seconded the motion. Motion passed.

3. Treasury Report:  Angie reported the current US Bank balance is A$692.98. Not yet reflected is a $150 deposit from Tom Kinton, payment of Alliant Energy for $102.17 and payment of Kobbe Lawn Care for $570, leaving a real balance of $169.81. Angie reported the Freightliner Fire Truck loan was paid off June 3, 2015 and she had received title. She is still waiting to receive the title for the water tanker truck from the State.

4. Ron presented a bill for the purchase of a Schonstedt GA52CX metal detector from Transit Works (641-414-5082) for $695.00. Kevin made a motion to reimburse Ron for the metal detector. Maurice seconded the motion. Motion passed.

5. Discussion

a. Angie reported no action has been taken by Winterset Monument to reset the misplaced Weigel base off Ron Creveling’s lot. Ron will speak to county attorney Clint Spurrier.

b. Angie read a a4/22/15 letter from Amanda Waske, auditor, amending the 15/16 budget of $61,000 to $56,034.

c. Angie presented the Quicken Report for 2014/15 and the Annual Comparison Costs Report with discussion following.

d. The receipts and disbursements report for 2014/15 was presented. Maurice made a motion to approve the expenditures as reported. Kevin seconded. Motion passed. The trustees signed the report and Angie will mail it to the auditor.

e. Ron presented details of the proposed 2016 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD diesel pickup from Snyder, NE for the purpose of fighting grass fires. It is a 4x4 regular cab, 2-door, 6-speed automatic. The estimated cost is $75,000. Maurice made a motion to purchase the discussed pickup. Kevin seconded. Motion passed. Union Township’s expected annual expenditures are $15,000 with an additional $6,000needed for cushion. That leaves $35,000 for purchasing fire equipment in the 2015/16 budget. Ron will approach US Bank to borrow the cost of the pickup, followed by the PCSB Bank. Fire Chief Tim Creveling will order the pickup, expecting a 2 mo. Delivery delay to equip the flat bed.

f. The township insurance coverage with Cunning was discussed. Ron will speak with owner Ted Smith to clarify property and equipment coverage, anticipating additional insurance for the new pickup.

6. Adjournment: Kevin motioned to adjourn at 8:00 PM. Ron seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Monday, February 9, 2015, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee), Maurice Jones (Trustee)

1. Call to Order:  Angie called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2. Minutes:  The minutes of January 2, 2015 were read. Maurice motioned to accept the minutes as written and Kevin seconded that motion. Motion passed.

3. Treasury Report:  Angie reported the current US Bank balance is $12,383.10. She had paid Liberty Mutual an additional $327 for workman’s comp insurance to insure 14 firemen vs. 10 firemen in the past.

4. Discussion

a. Angie presented the auditor’s printed and posted Union Township Budget for 2015/16: $4,500 for Cemetery funds, $8,000 for tort liability, and $48,500 for fire and emergency services with a total budget of $61,000. Kevin made a motion to approve the budget as posted. Ron seconded. Motion passed. Angie signed and will mail to the auditor.

b. The trustees and clerk filled out the auditor’s expenditure forms for $20 each to attend the meetings. Angie will mail to the auditor.

c. Ron discussed the township’s need for a good metal detector to find the pins in the new part of the Ellston Cemetery. Kevin made a motion to purchase a metal detector for approximately $500. Maurice seconded Motion passed. Ron will make the purchase.

5. Adjournment:  Ron motioned to adjourn at 7:14 PM. Maurice seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee), Maurice Jones (Trustee)

1. Call to Order:  Angie called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2. Correspondence:  Angie read letter of resignation from Nov. 4, 2014 elected Clerk Nan Derscheid and Ron Creveling’s letter to reappoint Angie Hynek as clerk by unanimous trustee phone conference.

3. Minutes:  The minutes of September 9, 2014 were read. Ron motioned to accept the minutes as written and Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.

4. Treasury Report:  Angie presented the Quicken mid-year report from 7/17/14-12/17/14. $29,230.05 had been taken in as income. $24,915.31 had been paid out as expenses, including $5,310.50 to the Union Township Fire Dept. for 2nd half of water anker upgrades, and $13,710.;79 for fire truck payment, and $2,529 for workman’s comp insurance. Two fire truck payments remain. The current US Bank balance is $11,942.25.


a. Kevin made a motion to raise the mowing payout to $90/Pumptown Cemetery mowing, $260/Ellston Cemetery Mowing, and $25/Fire Station mowing. Maurice seconded the motion. Motion passed.

b. Ron made a motion to hire Kobbe Lawn Care for the 2015 mowing season. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed. Angie will call Kevin Kobbe.

c. It was decided to prepay the fire truck loan to finish as soon as money is in place.

d. It was discussed that the fire dept. needs a new grass fire pickup. Levying the 2015/16 budget for a new (2016) gas pickup would be the next project. Ron will inform the fire department of the trustee’s commitment.

e. It was discussed that the tax levy for Union Township 2014/15 was 69,111,104. The tax levy for Union Township 2015/16 had increased to 71,660,372.

f. Proposed 2015/16 Budget was $4,500 for Cemetery funds, $8,000 for tort liability, and $48,500 for fire and emergency services with a total budget of $61,000.

g. The next meeting was set for Monday, February 2, 2015 at 7PM at the Fire Station.

Adjournment:  Maurice motioned to adjourn at 7:55 PM. Ron seconded.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee), Maurice Jones (Trustee)

1. Call To Order:  Angie called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM.

2. Minutes:  The minutes of February 20, 2014 were read. Kevin motioned to accept the minutes as written and Ron seconded the motion. Motion passed.

3. Clerk’s Treasurer’s Report Ron motioned to accept the Quicken report as printed. Maurice seconded. Motion passed. The trustee signed the 13014 year end report and Angie will mail to the auditor.

4. Other finances discussed:

a. Angie prepaid 1,000 gals of LP with MFA Oil, Lenox, at $1.899 per gal for total of $1,755.07

b. Three $13,710.79 truck payments remained. Angie will prepay if money is in place.

c. Angie will pay 2nd half ($5,310.50) for paint & water tanker upgrade to Union Township Fire Dept. when money is in place.


5. Township Trustee & Clerk Workshop will be Oct 1, at REC, at 5-8:30PM, for $30/Township. Everyone plans to attend.

6. Expired Terms: Kevin will appear on November ballot, Angie will not.

7. Ellston Cemetery:

a. Clint Lewis 402-510-5519, Lagrand Miller’s grandson requests buying 6 lots sight unseen. Ron will look at Lagrand Miller’s lot and report back.

b. Sue Derscheid requests planting a tree in the cemetery. After discussing, Kevin made a motion: “No new trees or woody bushes can be planted in the cemetery. Planting are limited to flowers.” Maurice seconded the motion. Motion passed. Request denied.

c. Winterset Monument Co. placed a base for Tom & Ruby Weigel on wrong lot & have been contacted and agreed to move it.

d. Township metal detector does not work & needs to be replaced with a stronger unit. Ron will try using the metal detector and report back.

e. Gravel has wash out, leaving ruts in drive. Ron will use south pile of gravel & skid steer to repair.

f. Ron & Kevin Kobbe plan to remove pine and arborvitae trees when ground dries up.

g. Angie will phone Kobbe to do fall clean sweep weed eating of all vegetation around stones to deter volunteer mulberry trees & trumpet vines that have begun growing around stones.

8. Adjournment: Maurice motioned to adjourn at 7:54 PM. Ron seconded.

Tuesday, February 20, 2014, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee), Maurice Jones (Trustee)


1. Call To Order:  At 7:00 PM, Angie called the meeting to order.

2. Minutes: The minutes of February 11, 2014 were read and corrected to include Kevin Creveling as a volunteer fire fighter. Ron moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Kevin seconded, and motion passed.

3. Clerk’s Treasurer’s Report:  The Township has a balance of $28,228.13. Angie will mail a check of $5,319.50 to Tim Creveling for reimbursement of the water truck expenses. Angie will prepay the fire truck loan by sending two payments of $13,710.79 in April or $27,421.58. Angie plans to book and prepay 1,000 gals. of LP in May.

4. 2014-15 Budget:  After Ron met with auditor Amanda Waske, the proposed township budget was amended to include a beginning balance of $20,416 for fire and emergency services. The estimated budget remained the same:

a. Cemetery  $4,500

b. Tort Liability  $8,000

c. Fire & Emergency $38,500

d. 2014/2015 Total $51,000

5. Maurice made a motion to accept the budget as amended, Kevin seconded. Motion passed. Angie will sign and mail budget to Amanda Waske.

6. Adjournment:  Kevin motioned to adjourn at 7:15 PM. Seconded by Maurice.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014, Union township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee), Maurice Jones (Trustee)


1. Call To Order: At 7:10 PM, Angie called the meeting to order.

2. Minutes: There were no corrections to the January 29, 2014 minutes. lRon moved to accept the minutes as read, Kevin seconded, and motion passed.

3. Clerk’s Treasurer’s Report:  The Township has a balance of $28,228.13. Ron reported the Fire Dept. has grant money for a heat imager. Ron then presented a $10,219 expense claim from the Fire Dept. for upgrading and painting the waster truck. He also presented a $420 bill for the pumper/2 valves repair for a total of $10,639 due to the fire dept. Ron made a motion to pay half ($5,319.50) out of the current budget and pay the second half out of the 2014/2015 budget. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.

4. Volunteer Fire Fighters:  Ron presented a current list of 10 Union Township. Volunteer Fire Fighters and the need for additional volunteers was discussed. The 2014 Fire Fighters are: Tim Creveling (Fire Chief), Nathan Creveling, George Fardy, Larry Freihage, Tracy Freihage Jeff Vos, Fred Statts, Scott Derscheid, Tyler Whitson, Brian Whitson, & Kevin Creveling.

5. 2014-15 Budget:  It was questioned if we could use our reserve funds to prepay the fire truck loan to save interest. Ron offered to discuss the printed budget sent from the auditor’s office with Amanda Waske. Everyone agreed to jointly submit our service expense sheet for payment to the Union Township Fire Department. We retained the budget passed on January 29, 2014:

a. Cemetery  $4,500

b. Tort Liability  $8,000

c. Fire & Emergency $38,500

d. 2014/2015 Total $51,000

6. Next Meeting:  Angie will arrange after hearing from Ron.

7. Adjournment:  Kevin motioned to adjourn at 8:00 PM. Seconded by Maurice.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee)


1. Call To Order:  At 7:02 PM, Angie called the meeting to order.

2. Trustee Appointment:  Maurice Jones was asked to fill the trustee position vacated by Scott Derscheid who moved to Mount Ayr, Ron made a motion to nominate Maurice Jones as trustee. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed. Angie will notify Maurice.

3. Minutes:  There were no corrections to the August 26, 2013 minutes. Ron moved to accept the minutes as read. Kevin seconded, and motion passed.

4. Clerk’s Treasurer’s Report: The latest US Bank statement of Jan 21, 2014 had an ending balance of $28,228.13.

5. LP Contract: On May 28, 2013 we paid $1,119.30 in full for 700 gals at 1.599 per gal. to take delivery before Mar. 31, 2014. Last week, the Fire Station ran out of LP and required a fill of 425.1 gals. 351.6 gals were under contract at $1.599 and 73.5 gals were $3.999. With our credit, the LP bill was $286.93. It was agreed to increase booking 700 gals to 1,000 gals. L.P.

6. New Tanker Truck: Ron will ask Tim if the paint and heat imager bill is ready. He will also ask for a current list of fire fighters to insure for workman’s comp.

7. Stone Repair: Angie reported a community stone repair day was held in October. Those attending were Charlie & Diane Case, Nan Derscheid, Jennifer Johnson, Bill Thalman, & Angie  & Bill Hynek. 12 stones were straightened and glued. It is hoped to have another repair day this spring.

8. Cemetery Maintenance: Kobbe and Ron plan to remove the dead tree in the cemetery this spring for $75.

9. 2014 Mowing Season: Ron nominated Kevin Kobbe to mow for the township the coming season at the same rate. Kevin seconded. Motion passed. Ron phoned Kevin and he agreed. A discussion followed that because of the good job Kobbe’s Lawn Care had done, we would increase paying $255 for the Ellston Cemetery and $85 for the Pumptown Cemetery. The fire station would remain at 420. Ron will notify Kobbe.  

10. 2014-15 Budget:  It was discussed that our low expenditures had allowed us to accumulate a $28,000 reserve without the township budget being increased the two previous years. It was decided it was time to increase the budget and apply our reserve to the fire truck load in order to save interest. Kevin made a motion to set the budget at:

a. Cemetery   $4,500

b. Tort Liability   $8,000

c. Fire & Emergency  $38,500

d. 2014-2015 Total  $51,000

11. Ron seconded. The budget passed.

12. Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 7PM at the Fire Station

13. Adjournment:  Kevin motioned to adjourn at 8:11 PM. Seconded by Ron.

Monday, August 26, 2013, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee)


1. Call To Order: At 7:09 PM, Angie called the meeting to order.

2. Minutes: There were no corrections to the February 26, 2013 minutes. Scott moved to accept the minutes as read, Kevin seconded, and motion passed.

3. New Tanker Truck: Scott reported that the Freightliner semi-truck was being painted and the expenses were running higher than expected. The Union Fire Department had depleted their funds with truck expenses. It was discussed that the Township had enough money to cover the remaining bills, including a heat imager.

4. Cemetery Maintenance: Ron reported there was a dead tree in the Ellston Cemetery and Kevin Kobbe had offered to cut it down for $75 if Ron would haul it off. Ron made a motion to ask Kobbe to cut the tree down this fall for $75. Scott seconded the motion. Motion passed.

5. Stone Repair: It was discussed that Kevin Irving’s estimate to repair the Ellston Cemetery stones had come back at around $20,000. Diane and Charlie Case are working to get donations. Angie would talk with Non Derscheid about scheduling a possible community stone repair day this fall. Ron said he would arrange for the Township to have a pile of gravel brought in for the crew to work with.

6. Insurance Costs: Our workman’s comp has increased from $1,654 in 2012 to $1,876 in 2013 and our property/liability has increased from $3,770 in 2012 to $4,018 in 2013 with no claims. Scott will talk with Ted Smith about adding a female to the workman’s comp roster and will rate shop with other agents.

7. Account Surplus: The township account has a starting balance of $20,416.92 for next year. Scott made a motion to increase our fall truck payment by $2,500. Kevin seconded. Motion passed. Ron suggested possibly increasing the spring payment if our budget surplus continues.

8. Review of 2012/2013 Books: The Summary Statement of Receipts and Disbursements was presented by Angie:

a. Beginning Balance of July 1, 2012  $9,964.89

b. Total Revenue             $48,544.62

c. Total Disbursements            $38,162.60

d. Ending Fund Balance June 20, 2013          $20,416.92

e. Public Debt Balances (Truck Loan)          $64,578.16

f. Reserve Fund Balance                            $20,416.92

Kevin and Ron confirmed the balance with the US Bank statement. Kevin made a motion to accept the Summary, Scott seconded. Motion passed. All signed the report and Angie will mail to Auditor Amanda Wake.

9. Adjournment: Kevin motioned to adjourn at 7:42 PM. Seconded by Ron.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee), Bill Hynek (Guest)


1. Call To Order: At 7:15 PM, Angie called the meeting to order.

2. Minutes: There were no corrections to the February 5, 2013 minutes. Ron moved to accept the minutes as read, Kevin seconded, and motion passed.

3. Pay checks from Auditor: Ron and Angie each donated their $20 checks to the Township for working on the budget.

4. Ellston Cemetery Road: Angie, who was on vacation, thanked Ron for flagging Michelle Schrodt’s grave. Ron reported that more gravel may need to be spread on road at curve.

5. Ellston Cemetery Stones: Angie reported that Diane Case had volunteered to write grants to secure funds to have the needed Ellston Cemetery stones reset. She had talked with Kevin Irving of Afton to do the work and was also interested in volunteer help. The trustees made no objection.

6. New Tanker Truck: Scott reported the Fire Department had been given a 2001 Freightliner semi-truck from the Forest Service in Ames that can be converted into a tanker truck. It was discussed that they expect to receive a Certificate of Origin and they would own it out right after one year. It has an 11’ frame, an Eaton-automatic transmission, a Hendricks suspension, a Cummins motor, and has less that 70,000 miles on it with no oil leaks. Expenses to ready the truck for use will be $5,000-$6,000, including a pump, paint, tool box welding, and insurance.

7. 2013-14 Budget: The budget was the same as last year. Kevin made a motion to approve the budget, Ron seconded. Budget passed. Angie signed the budget and will mail it to the auditor:

a. Owned Cemetery and Park  $3,700

b. Tort Liability     $6,800

c. Fire and Emergency Services           $36,500

d. Total               $47,000

8. Adjournment: Scott motioned to adjourn at 7:47 PM. Seconded by Kevin.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee)


1. Call To Order: At 7:00 PM, Angie called the meeting to order.

2. Oath of Office: Scott and Ron signed their oath as trustee for the next term.

3. Minutes: There were no corrections to the August 2, 2012 minutes. Scott moved to accept the minutes as read, Kevin seconded, and motion passed.

4. Radio Equipment: Scott reported that the radio system was now updated. Angie reported that the 2008 Freightliner truck is half paid for with the completion year being 2016. It was also discussed that the next piece of equipment needing to be replaced is the truck taken to grass fires. It was agreed to watch State auctions for a used forest service truck.

5. Cemetery Road: Kevin reported that Crevelings had replaced fencing which allowed the maintainer to turn without having to enter the cemetery.

6. 2013 Mowing Season: Ron phoned Kevin Kobbe to see if he would be willing to continue to mow at the same price as last year. He agreed with hesitation. After discussion, Ron motioned to raise the mowing payment as follows:

Ellston Cemetery   from $233.50 to $250

Pumptown Cemetery  from $73.50 to $80

Ellston Fire Station   from $20 to stay $20

Scott seconded. Motion passed. Angie will notify Kevin Kobbe.

7. 2013-14 Budget: After much discussion, Ron made a motion to maintain the same budget as last year:

Owned Cemetery and Park $3,700

Tort Liability    $6,800

Fire and Emergency Services  $36,500

Total     $47,000

Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.

8. Next Meeting: The final budget meeting will be Feb. 25, 2013 at 7PM at the Fire Station.

9. Adjournment: At 8:15 PM

Thursday, August 2, 2012, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee)


1. Call T Order: At 7:00 PM, Angie called the meeting to order.

2. Minutes: There were no corrections to the February 13, 2012 minutes. Ron moved to accept the minutes as read, Kevin seconded, and motion passed.

3. Fence Dispute: Angie reported Curt Greene had been reimbursed $3,000 for fencing and $172 for interest. The fencing dispute is now closed.

4. Radio Equipment: Angie reported paying for 8 pagers, 10 batteries, and 1 radio for $4,270. Scott reported the Parrott Head Club had donated money for 2 more radios.

5. Fire Station Maintenance: Angie reported paying Kevin Kobbe $100 for removing a tree behind the fire station. Discussion followed that the windows in the old part of the station and the door and rotten threshold would eventually need to be replaced. The trustees agreed to look into the possibilities.

6. 2011-2012 Year End Summary: The 2011-12 Quicken report was reviewed. Scott made a motion to accept the Year End Summary. Kevin seconded. Motion passed. The following summary was signed by all and will be mailed to the auditor:

a. 7/1/11 Beginning Balance  7,708.49

b. Total Revenue           50,269.37

c. Total Disbursements          48,012.97

d. Public Debt (fire truck loan)        88,648.41

e. 6/30/12 Ending Balance            9,964.89

7. Adjournment: At 7:32 PM, Kevin motioned to adjourn, seconded by Scott.

Monday, February 13, 2012, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee)


1. Call To Order: At 7:20 PM, Angie called the meeting to order.

2. Minutes: There were no corrections to the January 30, 2012 minutes. Scott moved to accept the minutes as read, Ron seconded, and motion passed.

3. Fence Dispute: Angie reported that $3,305.97 had been deposited into the township US Bank account. $200 had been assessed for trustees’ and clerk’s time and effort. All donated their $50 to the township, noting the coming expense to replace the fire department’s new band with pagers. Angie will reimburse Curt Greene $3,000 for fencing.

4. Tax Levy: The February 9,2012 letter to the Record News editor, “Kilgore asks if people recognize effects of RIZ” was discussed. It was recommended that assessor Neil Morgan responds to the Record News explaining that RIZ money is derived from the Lake District, not the entire county.

5. 2012 Mowing: Ron reported offering the 2012 mowing season to Kobbe Lawn Care for the same price as last year. Kevin Kobbe accepted. Kobbe also agreed to cut down the cedar trees in the Ellston Cemetery and Ron plans to drag them off. It was discussed that more gravel was needed to fix the south rut in the cemetery driveway.

6. 2012-2013 Budget: Scott made a motion to accept the 2012-2013 budget:

a. Cemetery Maintenance  $3,700

b. Tort Liability (Insurance)  $6,800

c. Fire & Emergency          $36,500

d. Total                     $47,000

Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.

7. Adjournment: At 7:34 PM, Kevin motioned to adjourn, seconded by Ron.

Monday, January 30, 2012, Union Township Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee)


1. Call To Order: At 7:00 PM, Angie called the meeting to order.

2. Minutes: There were no corrections to the September 4, 2011 minutes. Scott moved to accept the minutes as read, Kevin seconded, and motion passed.

3. Projects: to cut the cedar trees and widen the driveway in the Ellston Cemetery. The drive will need a pipe. The old part of the fire station needs windows caulked or replaced.

4. 2012 Mowing: It was discussed that Kevin Kobbe had done a good mowing job last year. It was decided to hire Kobbe Lawn Care for the 2012 season if Kevin was willing to do it at the same price. Ron will make the offer and report at the net meeting.

5. Fence Dispute: Angie reported that county treasurer Debbie Cannon had phoned that the new owners of the Ulring property, Douglas & Denise Richards of Des Moines & Sun Valley Lake, had paid the fencing assessment. She expected to deposit the money in our US Bank account in February. Angie will then reimburse Curt Greene $3,000.

6. Narrow Band: Scott reported that Federal regulations requiring conversion to narrow band radios and pagers go into effect in September 2012. He expects it to cost $600 for labor to reprogram the 2 truck radios. The fire department has purchased 6 pagers with their funds, but 8 more pagers, at $435 each, are still needed. The project will cost around $4,000 to complete. Scott discussed raising possible funds by filing for grants, serving sandwiches at Farmer Song Fest, and talking to The Parrot Heads.

7. 2012-2013 Budget: The budget was increased $1,600 from last year after discussing the previous year’s $3,000 shortage and the need to contribute to the narrow band project. Angie will submit to the county the trustees’ 2012-2013 budget proposal:

a. Cemetery Maintenance     $3,700

b. Tort Liability (Insurance)       6,800

c. Fire & Emergency                36,500

d. Total                                   $47,000

Ron motioned to present this budget for posting. Scott seconded the motion. Motion passed.

8. Next Meeting: The next meeting to approve the budget was set for Monday, February 13, 2012 at 7:00PM at the Union Township Fire Department.

9. Adjournment: At o8:20 PM, Scott motioned to adjourn, seconded by Kevin.

Sunday, September 4, 2011, Ellston Fire Station, 2:00 PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Scott Derscheid (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee), Ron Creveling (Trustee)


1. Call To Order: Angie called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.

2. Minutes: There were no corrections to the February 28, 2011 minutes. Scott moved to accept the minutes as read, Kevin seconded, and motion passed

3. Correspondence: Angie read a letter received May 14, 2011 from Maurice Jones explaining the Iowa Underground Storage Tank Fund’s settlement of $1,640, regarding the underground fuel tanks once in use at the fire station when it had been a gas station. The Ringgold County Treasurer’s office endorsed the final payment on May 12, 2011. County Attorney Clint Spurrier used the county’s federal I.D. number and said he would look into the problem of the township’s non-profit tax number. He thinks our number on the bank account is in error and we may need to have a new one issued.

4. Mowing: Kevin reported the county’s drain tube work on the dirt road leading to Pumptown Cemetery had been completed and he had also widened the entrance to the Pumptown lane as requested by Kobbe’s Lawn Care to allow Kobbe’s trailer admission.

5. 2010-2011 Books: The trustees reviewed copies of last year’s Quicken report:

a. Beginning Fund July 2010             $10,874.92

b. Total Revenue                         $49,316.37

c. Total Disbursements                       $52,382.80

d. Ending Public Debt (fire truck)     $111,759.22

e. Reserve Ending Funds (checking)     $7,708.49

A motion was made by Ron to accept the 2010-2011 books as printed. Motion was seconded by Kevin. Motion passed. The summary was signed by all and will be mailed to the auditor by Angie.

6. Cemetery Maintenance: Discussion followed that the trustees still plan to cut the cedar trees in the Ellston Cemetery. Kevin hopes to widen the drive to the cemetery by removing a corner post.

7. Fire Station Maintenance: Scott led a discussion that the windows in the old part of the fire station need to be caulked and the west window possibly removed.

8. Adjournment: At 2:59 PM, Ron motioned to adjourn, seconded by Kevin.

Monday, February 28, 2011, Ellston Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Scott Derscheid (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee), (Trustee Ron Creveling expressed regret that he would be out-of –town)


1. Call to Order: Angie called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2. Minutes: There were no corrections to the January 24, 2011 minutes. Kevin moved to accept the minutes as read, Scott seconded, and motion passed.

3. 2011 Mowing: Angie presented Kobbe’s Lawn Care mowing bid that was the same as last year’s: Ellston Cemetery-233.50, Pumptown Cemetery-$73.50, Fire Station-$20. She will contact Kobbe that he will again be the mower for the township for the 2011 season. Kobbe also presented a $600 bid to clean-up the Pump0town Cemetery including cutting stumps out, trimming trees and brush, and spraying for weeds around the inside of the fence. Kevin made a motion to accept Kobbe’s bid to clean-up the cemetery, Scott seconded the motion. Motion passed.

4. 2011-2012 Budget: The budget had been posted by the auditor for more than 10 days with no public objections. Therefore, Scott made a motion to accept the 2011-2012 budget as posted:

a. Cemetery Maintenance $3,700

b. Tort Liability (Insurance0   5,200

c. Fire & Emergency    36,500

d. Total                                $45,400

Kevin seconded. Motion passed. Angie will sign and mail to auditor Lori Greenman and mail a copy to each trustee.

5. Fire Station Maintenance: Kevin reported that Bruce Hutton from Mount Ayr would put into writing that he would power spray the old part of the fire station and spray it with 2 coats of latex paint, which would contract and expand with the temperature, for $2,000. Scott made a motion to hire Bruce Hutton, pending discussion with Ron. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed. Question: Would Bruce also prime the surface?

6. Cemetery Maintenance: Kevin stated that the trustees still plan to cut the cedar trees in the Ellston Cemetery.

7. Adjournment: At 7:21 PM, Kevin motioned to adjourn, seconded by Scott.

Monday, January 24, 2011, Ellston Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Trustee), Kevin Greenland (Trustee)


1. New Trustee: Kevin Greenland is welcomed as the new trustee replacing Maurice Jones.

2. Minutes: There were no corrections to the August 18, 2010 minutes. Scott moved to accept the minutes as read, Kevin seconded, and motion passed.

3. 2011 Mowing: It was discussed that Kevin Kobbe had done a good mowing job last year. Scott made a motion to hire Kobbe Lawn Care for the 2011 season if he was willing to do it as the same price, otherwise we will advertise the position. Ron seconded the motion. Motion passed. Angie will contact Kevin.

4. Fence Dispute: It was reported that Curt Greene had paid the township $3,000 and the Ulring/Greene fence had been erected. Each trustee and clerk had notarized the document to file with the auditor to attach the fencing costs to the Ulring family’s taxes if the bill is not paid within 10 days. Angie will mail the documents.

5. Expenditures: Angie presented copies of the Quicken register report to each trustee. It was noted she overpaid Liberty Mutual for the workman’s comp policy. She spoke with Ted Smith at Cunning Insurance who called the company and assured her a reimbursement check was in the mail. The workman’s comp policy costs $1,480 annually. The Continental Western property & liability policy costs $3,660 annually. Scott also reported that Federal regulations require us to convert to narrow band radios and pagers by 2013. It is expected that this will cost $4,500 to $6,000 from residual funds.

6. 2011-2012 Budget: After discussing the previous year’ budget, the following estimates were agreed upon for the coming year:

a. Cemetery Maintenance     $3,700

b. Tort Liability (Insurance)  5,200

c. Fire & Emergency           36,500

d. Total                              $45,400

Scott motioned to present this budget, adjusting the categories to meet the needed $45,400 if needed. Ron seconded the motion. Motion passed.

7. Fire Station Maintenance: It was discussed that the old part of the fire station had been painted 15 years ago and was again in need of paint after the exterior is sand blasted or acid etched and primed. Kevin volunteered to research who does this type of work.

8. Cemetery Maintenance: Angie reported a new gate had been installed in the Pumptown Cemetery. Ron reported spreading gravel and removing fallen trees in the Ellston Cemetery and said he would continue to work at the tree removal problem. Kevin volunteered to help.

9. Adjournment: At 8:18 PM, Ron motioned to adjourn, seconded by Scott.

Note: Ulring’s sold property (Deed Recorded Jan 3, 2011) to Douglas & Denise Richards of 6419 NW 52nd Ct, Des Moines, IA, 515-201-4858, Fax 515-253-3951 and Lake House at Ellston, IA  50074. Fencing Fees were added Feb 23, 2011, Taxes were paid Sept 2011

Wednesday, August 18, 2010, Ellston Fire Station, 6:30PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Trustee)


1. Minutes: There were no corrections to the Feb 25, 2010 minutes. Scott moved to accept the minutes as read, Ron seconded, and passed.

2. Treasury Report: Scott presented a pager repair bill from Spring Valley for $192.50 and a deposit from Jim Smith Auction for the sale of equipment totaling $220.38. Angie reported that there is currently $7,021.84 in the Union Township account. The fire station insurance premium of $3,660 was paid on July 30th after the books were closed for the 09-10 year. Scott made a motion to accept the treasury report. Maurice seconded. Motion passed.

3. Ellston Cemetery: Ron made a motion to purchase rock for the cemetery road to put it in satisfactory condition. Maurice seconded the motion. Motion passed. Maurice volunteered to work on this project.

4. Insurance: Angie reported that our insurance premiums are paid to Cunning Insurance instead of directly to Continental Western Group (fire station) and Liberty Mutual (workers comp).

5. Fire Station: Angie booked 1,000 gals of LP on June 29, 2010 for $1.749/gal. secured with a $100 payment. It was discussed that the old fire station needs water proofing sprayed on its exterior roof. Ron volunteered to get an estimate.

6. Auditing Books: The 09-10 books were discussed with photocopies presented to each trustee. The beginning 2009 balance was $6,717.60. Revenue taken in totaled $45,398.86 with disbursements of $41,241.54. The ending balance at 7/20/10 was $10,874.92. Each trustee signed the “Summary Statement of Receipts and Disbursements” which Angie will mail to the auditor.

7. Fence Dispute: The Ulring family did not build the fence as ordered, therefore, Maurice volunteered to represent the township:

o To discuss with County Attorney Clint Spurrier where the dozed fence pile should be placed

o To request Attorney Spurrier phone Attorney Karl G. Knudson (563-382-3888) to inform the Ulring family that the ordered fence will be erected and the cost will be added to the Ulring property tax

o To request Curt Greene send Angie $3,000 to cover the fencing costs

o To arrange with Jeff England to doze out the old fence an Haight Fencing to erect the ordered fence as filed

8. Adjournment: At 7:30PM, Maurice motioned to adjourn, seconded by Ron.

Thursday, February 25, 2010, Ellston Fire Station, 6:45 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Trustee)


1. Minutes: There were no corrections to the trustees’ Feb. 4, 2010 meeting. Maurice moved to accept the minutes as mailed, Ron seconded, and minutes passed.

2. Budget: Angie reported that deputy auditor Amanda Waske had phoned that we were over budget $1,148 for fire service. Angie added the over-run to cemetery care, keeping the total budget the same. The adjusted budget for 2010-11 is $5,548 for cemetery care, $4,800 for Tort Liability (insurance), and $33,852 for Fire and Emergency Services with a total of $44,200. Ron made a motion to accept the budget as amended. Maurice seconded. Motion passed.

3. Mower Selection: Angie had notified Kevin Kobbe that he was selected to mow for the coming season at the same price as last year.

4. Fencing Dispute: Angie reported mailing to sheriffs the “Notice of Hearing Concerning Partition Fence Complaint” to be served to Beth Ulring & James Russell, James Ulring & Nancy A., Janet Christianson, Scott Ulring, April Larson, and Curt Greene. The fence viewing will be Saturday, March 6, 2010, gathering at the Fire Station at 12:45 PM and proceeding to the site promptly at 1PM. It needs to be decided:

1. What action to take

2. Which part of the fence is who’s responsibility

3. The date action is to be completed

Angie will fill out the “Written Order Concerning Partition Fence Complaint” and take it to the Ellston Post Office Monday morning, March 8, 2010 for each trustee to sign and notarize. Then she will file the written order with the Ringgold County Recorder and send registered mailed photocopies to all parties.

Please read: Item 7 of Procedure in Fence Dispute. Curt will have to pay the township the cost of the adjoining landowner’s expense if the adjoining landowner fails to complete the directed action. The trustees will make the arrangements to have the fence fixed.

5. Next Meeting: Reviewing the books for the past year in late July.

6. Adjournment:  Scott motioned to adjourn, seconded by Ron. Adjourned 7:20 PM.

Thursday, February 4, 2010, Ellston Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Trustee), Curt Greene (filed fence complaint)


1. Minutes:  There were no corrections to the trustees’ Sept. 9, 2009 meeting. Ron moved to accept the minutes as read, Scott seconded, and minutes passed.

2. Treasurer Report:  The US Bank’s Jan. 21, 2010 statement showed an ending balance of $11,347.60.  $1,213.48 in checks has been written since then, leaving $10,134.12 in the account. The net tax apportionment check will be deposited around Feb. 10th

3. Fencing Dispute:  Angie reported Curt Greene had provided her copies of the “Notice of Partition Fence Complaint” he had sent by registered mail October 24, 2009 to Beth Ulring and James Russell, James Ulring & Nancy A, Janet Christianson & Scott Ulring, and April Larson. April Larson’s letter was returned with forwarding address unknown. He reported receiving no response to his request to have the Ulring family rebuild 160 rods of fence. Preferred Properties of Lenox managed the property and previous year and after inspecting, was in agreement that the fence needed replacing, but they did not anticipate being involved the coming year. Curt reported that the fence was approximately 30 years old and that he runs approximately 80 cattle in the adjoining pasture and will be calving there in March. Ron made the point that both owners’ halves of the fence would need to be made satisfactory. (Note: Curt’s certified mail request stated, “rebuild a new fence to match other ½”). The next step is for the township clerk to request the sheriff to serve the “Notice of Hearing Concerning Partition Fence Complaint” to each party. The fence viewing was set by the trustees for Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 1 PM. It was decided to meet at the Fire Station before proceeding to the site.

4. Workman’s Compensation Insurance:  The premium was paid Dec. 24, 2009 for $1,311.00. Angie presented the policy for review. Scott will send Angie a list of the 12 volunteer firemen who are included on the policy.

5. Mower Selection: Kevin Kobbe phoned Angie that he would mow the cemeteries for the same bid as last year: $233.50 per Ellston Cemetery mowing, $73.50 per Pumptown Cemetery mowing, and $20 per Fire Station mowing. Maurice motioned to accept his bid, Ron seconded, motion passed. Angie will contact him.

6. Budget:  Angie presented photocopies of the o9-10 income & expenses. The estimated beginning fund balance as of July 1, 2010 is expected to be $2,000 for Cemetery Expenses, $4,000 for Fire and Emergency Expenses, with a total of $6,000. After much deliberation, the trustees proposed the budget for 2010-2011 as: $4,400 for Cemetery Expenses, $4,800 for Tort Liability (Insurance), and $35,000 for Fire Expenses, with a total budget of $44,200. That is an increase of $3,100 from last year. Primarily due to adding workman’s comp insurance and anticipating roof repair on the old part of the fire station. Angie will submit the proposed budget to the auditor to post.

7. Next Meeting:  Passing the budget, February 25, 2010, 7 PM, Fire Station.

8. Adjournment:  Maurice motioned to adjourn, seconded by Scott. Adjourned 8:35 PM.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009, Ellston Fire Station, 6:00 PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Trustee)


1. Minutes:  There were no corrections to the March 16, 2009 meeting. Scott moved to accept the minutes as written and mailed, Ron seconded, and minutes passed.

2. Budget: Angie presented photocopies of the 08-09 books and they were reviewed by the trustee. It was noted by Ron that the $500 contribution from the City of Ellston was for cemetery mowing, not fire protection, because the city’s contribution for fire protection is providing free water to the department. Maurice made a motion to accept the Receipts and Disbursements for 08-09, seconded by Ron. Motion passed. Trustees signed report. Angie will mail it to Auditor Lori Greenman.

3. Treasurers Report:  We have $5,474.17 in residual funds to begin the 09-10 year. $100 was paid to MFA Propane Co. to reserve 1,000 gal. of LP at $1.449/gal.

4. Ellston Cemetery:  Ron motioned to purchase gravel for the south end of the driveway. Seconded by Maurice. Motion passed. Maurice will phone Ron Sickels to spread 2 loads of rock for an estimated $500. Ron volunteered to smooth the dirt pile in the corner with his dozer.

5. Pumptown Cemetery:  Angie reported that the Pioneer Cemetery Commission had hired Eric Herzberg to remove the dead trees and trim brush. David Weeda has created a new 12’ gate with the name PUMPTOWN CEMETERY and a hand pump welded into it. Amanda Hynek is restoring the stones.

6. Workman’s Comp Insurance:  It was decided to postpone providing insurance for approximately 7 EMT’s because the coming year’s premium will be paid with limited residual funds. Maurice made a motion to purchase workman’s comp insurance through Cunning Insurance for 12 volunteer firemen, seconded by Scott. Motion passed. Ron inquired if physicals would be necessary. Angie will phone Cunning and report back to the trustees. Scott will provide Cunning Insurance with the names of the 12 volunteer Firemen.

7. Retired Fire Truck:  Scott reported the museum is not interested in housing Union Township’s first fire vehicle, a 1957 Ford truck. It was decided to store the truck in the north end of the old fire station until the vehicle can be restored or sold. John Reasoner is to repair its leaky water pump and fix the regulator.

8. Excess Fire Equipment:  Scott made a motion to sell the air compressor and oil tank on E-Bay, seconded by Maurice. Motion passed.

9. Next Meeting:  February 2010

10. Adjournment: Maurice motioned, seconded by Ron. Adjourned 7:10 PM.

Monday, March 16, 2009, Ellston Fire Station, 7:30 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Trustee)


1. Minutes: There were no corrections to the February 24, 2009 meeting. Ron moved to accept the minutes as written and mailed, Scott seconded, and minutes passed.

2. Treasurer’s Report:  Two bills had been paid since the previous meeting: $108 to Southwest Builders for scaffolding rental and $373.33 to MFA Oil & Propane for 190.10 gals of L.P.

3. Budget:  Maurice made a motion to accept the 09/10 budget as posted at the courthouse:

a. Cemetery and Park   $4,000

b. Tort Liability    $4,000

c. Fire and Emergency Services     $33,100

d. Total             $41,100

Ron seconded, budget passed. Angie will mail the signed budget to the Auditor.

4. Fencing:  Angie presented a letter and information she had on file regarding law and procedures in involved in partition fence disputes from Ringgold County Attorney Clint Spurrier dated May 19, 2003. The letter also included 6 forms to assist in dealing with these matters. These will be kept for future reference.

5. Tree Removal:  Ron stated he was still planning to work towards getting the dead trees removed in the Pumptown Cemetery this summer.

6. Insurance:  Scott and Angie reported on conversations with Dan Cunning about Workman’s Comp Insurance for the Union Township Volunteer Fire Department. The insurance will cost $1,471 for 12 volunteers giving $1.7 million coverage per incident. Volunteers would only be covered during training or when answering a fire call. In other matters, raising our liability deductible from $500 to $1,000 would only save $35. It was discussed to leave the deductible at $500.

7. Fireworks:  Scott reported that the Union Township Fire Dept. has agreed to set off the fireworks for the Sun Valley Lake Association for a monetary contribution to the fire department of 10% of the cost of the show.

8. Next Meeting:  August

9. Adjournment:  Scott motioned to adjourn, Maurice seconded. Adjournment 8:07 PM.

Monday, September 8, 2008, Ellston Fire Station, 7:30 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Doug Bullock (Trustee), Tim Creveling (Assistant Chief)


1. Angie presented the income/expense summary for the July 07 to June 08 year:

a. Beginning Balance  $14,806.48

b. Total Revenue  $195,088.25 ($185,000, 8 yr, US Bank)

c. Ending Balance  $14,255.03

The trustees signed the Summary Statement of Receipts and Disbursements and Angie will mail it to the Ringgold County Auditor, Renda Paxon.

2. Angie reported that she had booked 1,000 gals. Of LP with MFA Propane Co. on July 3, 2008 at $2.137 per gallon, an approximate 54 cent increase from 2007 price of $1.599.

3. Angie presented the current 2008 expenditures thus far:

a. 7/1/08 Beginning Balance     $14,255.03

b. 9/8/08 Current Balance     $2,581.31

c. $10,000.36, paid to Southwest Builder Supply for Fire Station Building

4. Tim reported on the new Fire Station addition progress. Work yet to be completed includes wiring & lighting, hanging two garage doors, installing a keyless lock system, John Ford’s company spraying insulation, installing LP heating, and possibly pouring an exterior cement approach. Discussion followed about the tight funding. Dave Inloes’ crew with equipment had been paid $4,500. Appreciation was expressed for all the volunteers that helped with the build.

5. It was decided the property insurance on the fire station should be updated. The original building is currently insured for $20,000. Maurice made a motion to increase the original building’s coverage to $40,000 and add $60,000 of coverage for the new building, totaling $100,000 in property coverage on the fire station. Doug seconded. Motion passed.

6. Doug presented Neil Morgan’s assessment that the Fire Station lots are valued at $12,500 and $17,500. Doug also said the 4-wheeler ruts in Pumptown Cemetery weren’t too bad, but that the two big ponderosa pines had died and would need to be cut down. Due to a lack of funds, no action was taken at this time.

7. It was discussed that the tax rate for 08/09 was raised to .73678 (because of the new fire truck), compared to the .20410 tax rate in o7/08 or an increase of .53268 (53 cents per $1,000 of valuation). For example, a $200,000 home’s property tax would increase about $106 annually.

8. It was noted that Scott Derscheid and Ron Creveling had turned in papers to appear on the ballot to run for Union Township Trustee in November. Doug Bullock will be running as a write-in candidate.

9. Adjournment:  8:25 PM.

After The Meeting:  Angie phoned Cunning Insurance. The old building will be insured for $40,000. The new building will be insured for $60,000 based on a 36’x48’ metal clad building with cement floor, fully insulated, and LP heating.

Friday, February 29, 2008, Ellston Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Doug Bullock (Trustee), Lee Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Fire Chief), Tim Creveling (Assistant Chief)


1. Doug amended the Feb.7, 2008 minutes by striking “and Maurice’ in the sixth item of discussion. Lee made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Maurice seconded. Motion passed.

2. The current bank statement remained the same as the Feb. 7 meeting with a balance of $16,042.21. Scott Derscheid’s fuel bill is still outstanding.

3. Angie presented the 08/09 budget posted at the courthouse 10 days prior to the meeting:

a. Owned Cemetery  and Park    $4,400

b. Tort Liability (Insurance)       $3,500

c. Fire & Emergency Services  $33,200

d. Total     $41,100

e. Other (new fire station, not levied $10,000

f. Estimated Ending Fund Balance $2,000

4. Doug made a motion to accept this budget. Lee seconded. Motion passed.

5. Angie presented information that legislation was passed in the 2002 Session allowing a township to note on the budget form its request to have a portion of township taxes sent directly to the provider of emergency medical services. The auditor directs the Treasurer to make this payment. A copy of the emergency services agreement must be attached to the budget. After a brief discussion, no action was taken.

6. US Bank had prepared a Lease Agreement and a Loan Agreement to buy a used fire truck. Discussion included who pays maintenance costs and ownership costs at the end of each type of contract. Maurice presented each scenario’s math. Doug made a motion to seek a loan contract. Maurice seconded. Motion passed.

7. Doug said that US Bank wanted a balance sheet of Union Township Fire Department’s assets and liabilities. He had requested assessor Neil Morgan to put a value on the 40’x40’ building. Scott and Tim will prepare a listing of contents and equipment, referring to the departments past grant applications.

8. Tim told of locating a possible used fire truck in Pennsylvania that he and Scott hope to inspect. Mark Steffinhaggen is the Mack dealer from Lakeville, IL that helped Diagonal locate their fire truck.

9. Two mowing bids were received: Tanner Rinehart ($190 per Ellston Cemetery mowing, $18 per Fire Station mowing, $50/Pumptown Cemetery mowing) and Kevin Kobbe ($233.50 per Ellston Cemetery mowing, $22 per Fire Station mowing, and $73.50 per Pumptown Cemetery mowing). Doug phoned Tanner to inquire if he carried liability insurance. He did not. It was noted Kevin Kobbe had mowed 13 times in 05/06 for a total of $3,145.50 and 10 times in 06/07 for a total of $2,725. Discussion followed that Kevin carried liability insurance, was dependable and had done a good job, including keeping up the fence line in the Ellston cemetery. Maurice made a motion to award the 2008 mowing job to Kevin Kobbe. Doug seconded the motion. Motion passed.

10. Tim Creveling said the Union Township Fire Department is applying for:

I. Ringgold County Grant due in March

II. Firefighter’s Grant due in April

11. Scott Derscheid read an article by Dave Wolfe to submit to “Sun Valley News and Views” about Union Township plans to purchase a used fire truck. Changes were suggested.

12. Adjournment:  Maurice so moved. Doug seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.

After The Meeting:

13. Angie notified the Auditor’s office that the 08/09 budget passed.

14. Angie phoned Tanner Rinehart that his bid was competitive, but another mower was selected who had insurance.

15. Angie phoned Kevin Kobbe that his bid had been accepted and he was awarded the township mowing for the 2008 season.

16. Angie wrote a $5,000 check for Doug to mail to the used fire truck owner to show intent to purchase, as requested by the owner. Tim and Scott are planning to fly to inspect the fire truck. It is anticipated that the owner will deliver the truck to Ellston.

17. Neil Morgan placed a value of $11,540 on the Fire Station and $880 on the adjoining lots.

18. Because Union Township’s largest tax levy deposits are received on October 10th and April 10th, Doug plans to set up a biannual loan payment plan with Melinda England at US Bank with payments due November 1st and May 1st.

Tuesday, February 24, 2008, Ellston Fire Station, 7:30 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Ron Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Trustee)


1. Welcome New Trustees:  Angie presented Ron Creveling and Scott Derscheid their Trustee Certificate issued by Ringgold County Auditor.

2. Minutes:  Angie read minutes of September 8, 2008 meeting. Scott moved to accept the minutes as read, Ron seconded, and minutes passed.

3. Treasurers Report:  As of Feb 16, 2009, there is $8,182.19 in the US Bank account. Angie reported the tax apportionment is direct deposited around the 10th of the month. Considering April and October are the largest deposits, the truck note is set up to be paid semi-annually May 1 and Nov. 1 through May 2016. The 4% interest rate is included in the $13,710.79 payment. The October 2008 tax apportionment was $17,075.72 and is expected to be paid again in April.

4. Budget:  After close estimation, the 09/10 budget was redistributed to retain a no increase from the 08/09 year. The 09/10 budget proposed is:

a. Cemetery and Park   $4,000

b. Tort Liability    $4,000

c. Fire and Emergency Services  $33,100

d. Total     $41,100

5. Insurance:

a. Scott let the discussion for the need of medical/liability coverage for approximately 12 volunteer firemen. Dan Cunning proposed seeking coverage from the Workman Compensation pool at $1,500/yr for 12 firefighters. Our Continental Western insurance carrier for the building and truck was not an option. Unlike Union Township volunteers, Mt Ayr, Diagonal, and Kellerton firefighters are covered as city employees. It was agreed that this matter needs to be addressed and will be discussed further as tax apportionment accumulates.

b. Ron Creveling asked Angie to check with Cunning Insurance to see if raising the deductible on the building and truck would lessen our premium and make more funds available for Workman’s Comp.

6. Mowing:  It was agreed to limit mowing to 10 per season. Ron motioned to accept Kevin Kobbe’s mowing bid, Scott seconded, and motion passed. Kobbe’s Lawn Care bid for the -9 season is

a. Ellston Cemetery  $233.50

b. Pumptown Cemetery  $73.50

c. Fire Station   $20.00

7. Tree Removal:  Pumptown needs 3 large dead pine trees removed. Ron will make land owner Arvin Van Hall aware and organize volunteers to cut and drag the tree off this summer. Angie told of Pioneer Cemetery Commission funds available for fencing and stone repair.

8. Booking LP:  It was discussed that the July booking of the current 1,000 gals will need to be increased to accommodate the new building, pricing yet to be determined.

9. Wish List:  insulating old fire station ceiling, graveling Ellston Cemetery drive, replacing exterior siding on old fire station.

10. Next Meeting:  Tuesday, March 17, 6:30 PM, Union Township Fire Station.

11. Adjournment:  Ron motioned, Scott seconded. Adjourned 9:01 PM.

Thursday, February 7, 2008, Ellston Fire Station, 7:00 PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Doug Bullock (Trustee), Lee Creveling (Trustee), Scott Derscheid (Fire Chief), Tim Creveling (Assistant Fire Chief), George Fardy (Volunteer Fireman)


o The minutes were approved as written and mailed.

o The treasurer’ report showed a bank balance of $16,042.21. Two monthly utility bills and a gas reimbursement to Scott Derscheid are still outstanding.

o Concerned citizen Tim Creveling had discussed the posted 2008 budget with the auditor. He proposed that expenditures be moved to other categories to allow for a larger fire truck annual payment.

o Doug motioned budget amendments to include: $3,400 Owned Cemetery and Park, $2,500 Tort Liability/Insurance, $33,200 Fire and Emergency Services, $2,000 Other/Propane for a total of $41,100. Maurice seconded. Motion passed.

o Doug and Maurice met with County Attorney Clint Spurrier who restated his position that Union Township could not borrow money. Doug and Maurice then met with the Supervisors to ask for bonds to purchase a used fire truck. The Supervisors declined as they felt that action would lower their bonding capacity. Clint said he could write a resolution to allow for the borrowing of the funds.

o Doug discussed necessary paper approval with Melinda England at US Bank to secure a tax free government loan at the reduced interest rate. Melinda said the bank would be satisfied with a copy of Union Township minutes which recorded the motion to buy a used fire truck.

o Lee motioned, “I move we purchase a used diesel fire truck with specifications set by the members of the Union Township Fire Department and approved by the Union Township Trustees with monies levied for fire and emergency services in Union Township, Ringgold County.” Maurice seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

o Maurice expressed concern that the increased funds could be misused or absconded. Doug suggested fire truck payments by paid biannually to keep the account reduced.

o It was discussed that a new fire station will need to be built with (in-kind) volunteer labor this summer. Estimated funds consist of $10,000from the firemen’ account and $10,000 by reducing the township’s account surplus, both available for potential matching funds grants. Scott and Tim will apply for building grants. The next firemen’s fund raiser will be cooking at “Farmer Song Fest” May 24, 2008.

o Doug and Maurice will seek support for fire protection improvements from the Sun Valley Lake Board when they meet with them on Saturday, February 9, 2008.

Adjournment:  Maurice so moved. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 PM.

After The Meeting:  (February 8, 2008)

o Angie placed a public notice ad for mowing with Record News.

o Angie amended the budget with Auditor Renda Paxon.

o Angie delivered minutes of February 7, 2008 meeting to Melinda England at US Bank.

o The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 27, 2008, 7:00 PM, Ellston Fire Station.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 Ellston Fire Station, 7:00PM

Attending: Angie Hynek (Clerk), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Doug Bullock (Trustee), Lee Creveling (Trustee, Scott Derscheid (Fire Chief), Tim Creveling (Assistant Fire Chief)


o Doug reported he had completed the Iowa Mutual Aid Agreement with the help of Teresa Jackson of the Engineer’s Office and filed it with the county recorder at the cost of $11. Angie will send Doug a reimbursement check.

o The trustees questioned if the township clerk was bonded. Angie will check with Auditor Renda Paxon.

o Mower Kevin Kobbe had asked if the township wanted to hire him to remove brush caused by the ice storm. Lee volunteered to remove the brush and broken cedar tree in the Ellston Cemetery. Angie will decline Kevin Kobbe’s offer.

o Maurice questioned if we needed to advertise the mowing job in order to be legal. Angie will place a mowing public notice in the Record News.

o Doug reported he had talked with Melinda England at US Bank about a fire truck loan. She said the bank could provide a $185,000 load at 3.5% interest. If the loan was for 7 years, the annual payment would be around $30,000. If the loan was for 10 years, the annual payment would be around $22,000.

o Doug presented a letter he had received from County Attorney Clint Spurrier. It was his opinion that a township could not borrow money and a bond would need to be sought from the Supervisors. Doug volunteered to speak to the Supervisors about the mounting liability from insufficient fire equipment to protect the increasing property valuation within Union Township.

o The ending balance on Dec. 19, 2007 was $15,945.97. Bills have been paid since then.

o The 2008/09 budget was based on last year’s figures, plus $1,000 for firemen’s support and $30,000 for an annual fire truck payment. $3,400 was budgeted for cemetery maintenance and $38,490 was budgeted for fire protection for a total budget of $41,890.

o Maurice asked Angie to check on trustee nomination papers with the auditor.

o Tim gave Angie an extra key to the fire station.

o The next meeting will be February 7, 2008 at 7:00PM in the Ellston Fire Station.

Adjournment:  8:00 PM.

After The Meeting: (January 25, 2008)

o Renda Paxon said there was no law requiring townships to advertise jobs. Traditionally, townships advertise when they cannot find someone to mow.

o Renda said the trustee election would be on the November General Election ballot and nomination papers would be available late summer.

o Renda said all the township clerks were bonded by the county.

o Renda said a $30,000 truck payment exceeded our levy limit. She helped Angie adjust the budget to $33,889 for fire protection, allowing for a $25,500 fire truck and interest payment. She will post the budget at $3,400 for cemetery maintenance and $33,889 for fire services for a total budget of $37,289.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 Ellston Fire Station, 7:30PM

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Doug Bullock (Trustee), Lee Creveling (Trustee), Tim Creveling (Volunteer Fireman)

Certification of Summary Statement of Receipts and Disbursements: July 1 2006 beginning balance $14,574.45, Total revenue $11,122.11, Total Disbursements $10,890.07, June 30, 2007 ending balance $14,806.49. Trustee (3) signed. Angie will mail report to auditor.


o It was decided to distribute funds of $1,800 to the Ellston Fire Department, ear marked for equipment use only: $500 from 05-06 tax apportionment, $1,000 from 06-07 tax apportionment, $200 from a Farm Bureau donation, and $100 from Sun Valley Lake for putting on the 2006 fireworks display. Angie will mail check.

o It was noted that Angie booked 1,000 gals. Of L.P. for the Fire Station with MFA on July 3, 2007 for $1.599 per gal.

o Kevin Kobbe asked to prune trees around fire station for easier mowing. Request was approved. Angie will contact him.

o It was noted that Indianola Memorial Works had been contacted to move David L & Donna E. Schrodt’s stone onto the proper lot. Angie will continue to follow the matter.

o Angie will inquire with Dan Cunning if Union Township carries coverage for the Iowa Neglect Act in consideration of the pending law suit between Joe Warrin and the Clearfield and Blockton Fire Departments.

o Doug will speak with Teresa Jackson at Engineer’s Office about her request for a Mutual Aid Agreement with the Union Township Fire Department.

o Tim Creveling asked for the Trustee’s help to buy a new fire truck, given the present truck is 30 years old and the request for a state grant had been denied due to the low number of calls Union Township answers. The old truck would be retired and Tim thought someone within the community was interested in restoring the historic truck because it was Union Township’s first fire truck. The fire men’s request was for a used truck that was under 10 years old with 4-doors, a diesel engine and air brakes. They suggested the Township take out a 6-10 year note to pay for the truck. Maurice questioned the Township’s levying capacity and if the fire station could accommodate a bigger truck or if a new building would have to be built. The possibility of community fund raising efforts to pay for building improvements was brought up. Angie will talk with the auditor about levying for the expense. Specific information will need to be gathered before the budget meeting next March 2008 when the discussion will continue.

Adjournment:  Maurice motioned, Doug seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM.

After The Meeting:  September 5, 2007

o Dan Cunning said, yes, we were covered for negligence under our liability clause.

o Renda  Paxson said there is no ceiling on what can be levied for fire services, unlike the limit on cemetery maintenance. Our current fire levy is .13310 which raises $6,000 for fire services. If the levy were raised to .6, $27,000 could be raised annually. She will do an estimate on how that would affect a Union household in dollars. In January, she can have exact figures. She suggested we talk to Teresa Jackson to see if her office has any monies available.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 7:30PM, Ellston Fire Station

Attending:  Angie Hynek (Clerk), Maurice Jones (Trustee), Doug Bullock (Trustee), Lee Creveling (Trustee), George Hosfield (former Clerk)

Certification: July 1, 2005 thru June 30, 2006 Receipts and Disbursements discussed and signed by trustees

Discussion:  It was discussed that the fire truck loan had been paid off for some time, but only the red truck was up to code. Future needs were discussed, such as replacing pumps to meet the state code and the possibility of a new fire truck. It was planned to paint the fire station or replace the tin on it this year. The Ellston Cemetery gravel was reported to be in good shape, but the west fence will need to be rebuilt in the future. Three mowing bids had been received. The trustees approved the hiring of Kevin Kobbe from Grant City, considering that he had done a good job last year and carried his own insurance. The budget was then discussed and agreed upon.

July 1, 2006- June 30, 2007 Budget:  Mowing           $3,200

     Electricity      200

     Propane   1,800

     Fire Station Improvement    300

     Fire Supplies      500

     Firemen’s Support  1,000

     Insurance   2,200   


   Signed: Angie Hynek, Clerk, March 15, 2007

1989, Feb 27: The trustees met at Lee Creveling’s home. Those present were Lee Creveling, Maurice Jones, and newly elected Douglas Bullock. Agreed to keep the Brants for mowing Ellston Cemetery for $100 per mowing, not to exceed 10 mowings. Also agreed to let Mike McLaughlin to mow Pumptown at $60 per mowing and to pay him for 4 mowings. Agreed to leave the rent on station the same. We pay 1/3 of the heat bill only and D.A. to pay 2/3 of heat bill and taxes on station. Joe Dukes on the pagers and asked for help on rescue equipment. The levy was set at $1,500 for fire and $500 for cemetery care. George Hosfield, Clerk.

1988, Mar 8: The trustees met and discussed the cemetery mowings and the rent on the station. They agreed on Mike McLaughlin (from Osceola and Liles descendant) to mow Pumptown paying $180 dollars and letting the Brants mow Ellston at $100 per mowing, not to exceed 10 mowings. All agreed to let D.A. pay the taxes on the building and to let him pay 2/3 of the heating bill and the township to pay 1/3 instead of ½ as we had been paying. Set the township levy at $1000 for fire and $500 for cemetery care. Lee Creveling, Ted Derscheid, and Maurice Jones trustees and George Hosfield, Clerk.

1987: The trustees met in March. Those present was Lee Creveling, Maurice Jones, and Ted Derscheid. The trustees accepted the bids for mowing cemeteries that the Brants bid $90 for mowing Ellston and $60 per mowing of Pumptown, three mowings needed. The Levy was set at $1,000 for fire truck and $500 for Cemetery Care. George Hosfield, Clerk.

1986: The trustees met March 27, 1986. Those present was Lee Creveling, Maurice Jones, and Ted Derscheid. We set the Levy at $2,000 for fire and $500 for cemetery care. The filling Station was purchased from Elva Buell and also the lot and trailer and everything else on said lots for the price of $12,500, only having one bid for mowing cemetery, we accepted Jeff Cooper’s bid for mowing $100 per mowing of Ellston and $60 per mowing of Pumptown. Limit of 10 mowings for Ellston and three mowings of Pumptown. We raised the insurance on the building from $7,000 to $10,000. We discussed the bond issued for township, but nothing was decided. George Hosfield, Clerk.

1985: The Union township trustees met 3-27-85. Those present were Lee Creveling, Ted Derscheid, and Maurice Jones. Discussed the possibility of new fire house and also discussed the two mowing bids that were submitted. They accepted the bids of Jeffery Cooper for $90 per mowing of Ellston Cemetery and $60 per mowing of Pumptown Cemetery, not to exceed 10 mowings of Ellston and 3 mowings of Pumptown Cemetery. The levy was set at $2,000 for Fire and $1,000 for Cemetery Care. They also agreed to add 3,500 to the existing C.D. George Hosfield, Clerk.

1984, 3-24: The Union Township trustees met 3-24-84. Those present was Lee Creveling, Ted Derscheid, and Maurice Jones. Daughn & Lorraine Reasoner was present discussed the problem at Pumptown cemetery with the upset tombstones. Lee moved that we add to the present  C.D. $4,000. Motion carried. Lee moved that we run ad in the paper for mowing Ellston Cemetery and Pumptown Cemetery. Motion carried with two ayes and one no. The levy was set at $2,000 for Fire and $1,350 for Cemetery care. April we met at Buels Service to open bids for cemetery mowing. Klommhaus was only bid at $90 per mowing at Ellston and $10 at Pumptown per mowing. We also went to Pumptown and set stones up and decided to build new fence on the inside of west fence. Lee was to get somebody to build and get material. George Hosfield, Clerk.

1983: The Union Township trustees met 3-4-83 at George Hosfield's house. Lee Creveling and Ted Derscheid were present. Ted Derscheid was named 1983 Chairman. They appointed Maurice Jones to fill vacancy of Duane Poore. They agreed to put $10,000 in 6 month money market to be used for new fire house, but reserved the right to use it if needed with the expectation of the $2,285.59 given to trustees by Elliston Centennial. They agreed to meet with Ellston Council to see about getting grant for fire House. Lee made motion to buy powder for Fire Extinguisher. Motion carried. Jewell Klommhaus was elected to mow the cemetery at $90 per mowing, not to exceed 10 mowings unless needed and was also to mow Pumptown twice a year. The cemetery levy was set at $1,350 and fire protection was set at $2,750. The trustees agreed to put on new gravel on new road this year. They also agreed to sell some of the lots in old part at a reduced price.

1982, April 14: The trustees met April 9, 1982 at George Hopfield’s house. All trustees were present. Duane Poore was elected 1982 Chairman. There was a lot of discussion on the Union Township Fire Dept. Nothing of importance was settled. Jewell Klommhaus was to mow the cemetery, limited to 10 mowings or if more was needed to keep it looking nice. We discussed the trash that accumulated at the cemetery and what to do with it. Duane Poore suggested we pay Klommhaus $20 or whatever they wanted to haul over to landfill. All trustees agreed. The levy was set as cemetery care $1,350 and fire at $2,750. We decided to gravel the new road at the cemetery, if possible. George Hosfield, Clerk.

1981, April 4: The trustees met at the George Hosfield home. Those present were Maurice Jones, Duane Poore, and Ted Derscheid. The trustees agreed to give Jewell Klommhaus $90 per mowing, not to exceed 10 mowings. They agreed to give $100 to Klommhaus to cut brush around cemetery fences and tear down old building and get some Tordon pellets to put around trees. Levy for cemetery was set at $1,350 and fire protection was set at $3,750. George Hosfield, Clerk

1980, April 7: The trustees met at George Hosfield’s home. All were present. They set the levy Cemetery at $1,250 and Fire Protection at $3,750. George Hosfield, Clerk.

1979, April 3: The Union Township trustees met at George Hosfield’s home all were present. We discussed the telephone hookup at club house and decided we would approve it. We agreed to hire Jewel Klommhaus to mow the cemetery at the usual price of $75 per mowing. The levy was set at $1000 for cemetery care and $3,200 for fire protection. George Hosfield, Clerk.  Dec. 6, the trustees met at Buels Service Station to discuss the burial of Karen Flhora. We decided to put her with her folks and grandparents. We would have to put part of her in the alley. The trustees all agreed and to charge $30. The trustees also discussed the rent with Lloyd Butcher on the fire truck and agreed to pay ½ of the fuel bill at the station for one year. Trustees present were Kenneth Wood, Maurice Jones, and George Hosfield. George Hosfield, Clerk.

1978, April 17: An ad was run in the Des Moines Sunday Register and Tribune April 9, 1978 for a useable equipped fire truck, reasonably prices. The city of Melbourne responded with 1957 Ford Truck well equipped at a price of $8,000. The trustees met at Butcher’s service Station for the purpose of hiring somebody to care for the cemetery, Jewel Klommhaus being the low bidder got the job for the year $75 each time it was to be mowed, was to be mowed as needed to keep it looking nice. The levy was set, Cemetery to remain at $750, Fire Protection $2,000. Lee Creveling described the fire truck that the City of Melbourne offered for sale. Lee thought the truck was well equipped and in real good condition for its age. All decided Lee should call the City of Melbourne that we would take the truck and equipment, which he did and we sent them check of $500 to hold it for us. They are to deliver truck about June 15. Lloyd Butcher was asked about housing truck, which Lloyd agreed to for $25 per month. Cemetery lots were raised to $150 full lot, $75 ½ lot. Meeting adjourned. George Hosfield, Clerk.

1978: Tingley Fire Dept thought in order to serve their district and Union Township adequate fire protection, that they would need to replace their older equipment with new equipment and would need for us to pay them approximately $3,200 for these services. Trustees were in doubt as to whether or not we could levy that amount of money. Meeting adjourned as each was going to gather more information and meet later. Levy was set at $1,500 for fire protection and $750 for cemetery care. Jewell Klommhaus is to mow cemetery at $75 each time, not to exceed 2 times a month for 5 months. Linford Mason, Clerk

1977, May: Lee Creveling contacted Max Anderson of Mt. Ayr fire Dept to see what the possibilities would be of getting fire protection for Union Township and they first thought maybe they would furnish their services for about $1,500, but Lee talked to them again about 2 weeks later and Mt. Ayr decided not to provide fire protection for Union Township at this time anyway. Later Marion Creveling and Lee Creveling went to Grand River to see if Grand River Fire Dept. would be interested in serving Union Township. In response to this trip, Raymond Jones called them a few days later that Grand River would be interested in furnishing fire protection to Union township at a cost of $1,500 for the year 7-1-77 to 7-1-78. This offer was accepted. Linford Mason, Clerk

1977, April: trustees met with members of Tingley Fire Dept in Tingley Community Building for the purpose of seeking fire protection by Tingley Fire Department for residents of Union Township for coming year, 7-1-77 to 7-1-78. Members of the fire department of Tingley seemed to be determined to buy all new trucks and equipment if they are to continue to serve Union Township. They talked of charging 1 ½ miles or equivalent 2.27 per thousand dollars valuation which would cost approximately $3,250 first year and higher each year as valuation goes higher. Not much was gained from this meeting, only that we would see what Mt. Ayr might have to offer. Meeting was adjourned. Linford Mason, Clerk.

1977, March: Marion Creveling, Kenny Wood, and Lee Creveling trustees of Union Township and myself met at the Tingley Community Hall with members of the Tingley Fire Dept for the purpose of discussing the possibilities of the Tingley Fire Dept providing Fire protection to Union Township for the coming year, July 1, 1977 to July 1, 1978

1976, April: trustees met in the lobby of the Tingley Post Office building with Don Kinney Fire Chief of Tingley Fire Dept. for the purpose of discussing the costs and possibilities of the Fire Dept of Tingley and Tingley Township furnishing Union Township fire protection for the year July 1, 1976 to July 1, 1977. A figure of $750 was thought to be fair to all concerned in the fire district by Don Kinne and the Trustees. This figure was accepted and the trustees also set levy of $750 fire fund and $750 for cemetery fund. Linford Mason, Clerk.

1976, in Jan: trustees met at Lee Creveling home with Joe Kay for the purpose of discussing the possibilities of a game night to be held once a week at Sun Valley Club House, sponsored by the Union Township Trustees, with the proceeds to go to the Union Township Volunteer Fire Protection Fund. It was agreed by all present to open an account in the Tingley State Savings Bank and $24.65 was put into this account. This amount was taken from the cemetery fund. Linford Mason, Clerk.

1976, March: Lee Creveling and Raymond Green both trustees and myself (Linford Mason) met with members of the Grand River Fire Dept., March 22, 1976 to discuss the possibilities of their fire district serving Union township for protection for July 1, 1976 to July 1, 1977 and what their cost would be to us, nothing was decided at that time, but later Duane Brammer stopped by and said that the Grand River fire department would consider, fire protection for Union Township at a cost of $2,500 per year. Linford Mason, Clerk.

1975, in March: trustees met and set levy at $600. Jewel Klommhaus was hired to mow cemetery for $750. Francis Walters, Clerk

1974, in May: trustees met and Jewell Klommhaus was hired to mow the cemeteries for $750. Francis Walters, Clerk

1973, in March: trustees met and Marion Creveling was elected Chairman. The levy was set at $600. Linford Mason was hired to mow the cemeteries if he would do it for the same money as last year ($700). Francis Walters, Clerk

1972, in May: trustees met in Ellston with town council to hire cemetery caretaker. Raymond Green was elected chairman. The levy was set at $600. Linford Mason was unanimously elected as cemetery caretaker for $700. It was unanimously voted to raise the price of lots in new part to $75, $40 for half lots and $35 in old part. Francis Walters, Clerk

1971, April: trustees met at Lee Creveling home. Motion by Green, seconded by Lee Creveling that Marion Creveling be chairman for year. Motion by Lee Creveling, seconded by Green to pay Leonard Mason for moving dirt. Motion by Green, seconded by Lee Creveling to hire Leonard Mason $550 to care for cemetery for next year. Budget was set at $600. It was decided to talk to the funeral directors about moving surplus dirt from digging graves. Francis Walters, Clerk.

1970, Mar: trustees met in Ellston City Hall with town council. Lee Creveling was elected chairman. Fencing for the new part of the cemetery was discussed. Hiring someone to mow for next year was discussed. Francis Walters, Clerk.

1970, June: trustees met in special meeting to set levy at 600. The price of lots was raised to $50 and $25. The price of half lots is $30 and no half lots in old part. Fencing the new part of cemetery was decided to buy some wire and braces and see Briner about putting in the fence and cutting some posts out of hedge.

1970, Nov: the trustee met with town council. Motion by M. Creveling and seconded by Green to pay costs of cemetery fence, $55.90 to Earl Briner for labor and $61.75 to Lee Creveling for material.

1969, April 7: the trustees met at Boyd Taggart’s filling station with the town council for the purpose of hiring a cemetery caretaker. John Fouser was unanimously elected chairman. Motion by Green to raise price of lots in first add to original cemetery to $40. Seconded by Fouser. Vote all yes. Motion by Creveling, seconded by Green to pay Richard Grose $100 for balance of cemetery care. Vote all yes. Bids for cemetery care were submitted by Leonard Mason and Mike Grose. It was unanimously voted to hire Leonard Mason for $550. It was moved by Creveling, seconded by Green to raise township levy to $500. Motion all yes. Francis Walters, Clerk.

1968, April 1: the trustees met at Ellston Town Hall. Motion by Creveling, seconded by Fouser for Raymond Green to be chairman. Motion by Fouser, second by Green to pay Dick Grose $50 for extra trimming, spraying, and mowing. Motion by Creveling, seconded by Green to hire Dick Grose as caretaker for $550. Levy set at $450. It was decided to look into the fire protecting plan further before deciding what to do. Aug 17, a special meeting of the Union Township trustees was held at Ellston for the purpose of discussion holding an election in forming a township fire district. Fouser made a motion (copy attached) that a special election be held on Sept. 3 with the primary election. Green seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimous. The cemetery was inspected and it was decided to improve the drive. Francis Walters, Clerk.

1968: Aug, 20, Notice of a special election was pasted on August 20 in three places. Reasoner’s Garage, on the corner one mile north of Ellston and on the corner two and a half miles north and two miles east of Ellston. Francis Walters, Clerk.

1968: Nov, 4, Union Township trustees met at Ellston on Nov 4 with all members present. A financial statement was made and approved. The fire district was discussed. Francis Walters, Clerk.

1967, in April: the trustees met in the Ellston Town Hall with representatives from the City Council. Raymond Green was unanimously elect chairman. Motion made by Fouser seconded by Robinson to pay Dick Grose $12.50 for extra work on cemetery addition to $50 balance for mowing. Vote yes unanimous motion by Fouser, second by Creveling to hire Dick Grose to mow cemetery for $550. Vote yes was unanimous by Fouser & Glen Reed to contact Clarence Jackson about buying some land for cemetery extension. Francis Walters, Clerk.

1967, Aug: the trustees met in special meeting in Ellston Town hall to set cemetery budget and discuss buying more land for cemetery. It was a unanimous vote to buy an acre at a reasonable price from Clarence Jackson. Motion by Creveling to raise price of cemetery lots to $35 and $20. Seconded by Fouser. Vote was unanimous. Cemetery levy was set at $450. Francis Walters, Clerk

1966, in April: the trustees met in the Ellston Town Hall with City Council representatives. Raymond Green made the motion to hire Sam Brown as cemetery caretaker. Lee Creveling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. John Fouser was elected chairman for the coming year. Levy was set at $350. Francis Walters, Clerk.

1965: The trustees met in the Ellston City Hall. Lee Creveling was unanimously elected Chairman. The levy was set at $350. It was voted to give Vern Creveling an Ellston deed to Block 4, Lots 2 & 6. It was voted to hire Sam Brown as cemetery caretaker for $550.

1964, in April: the trustees met in Ellston City Hall. John Fouser was unanimously elected chairman. The levy was set at $350. It was decided to contact the contractors of the black top road between Ellston and Tingley for an estimate on blacktopping the cemetery road. Two bids were submitted for caretakers for the cemetery. Warren Gibs bid $550 and Sam Brown bid $500. The bid was accepted for Sam Brown. Francis Walters, Clerk.

1963, in May: the Ellston Cemetery board met at the cemetery and accepted the bid of George C. Hartman of Rt. 1, Afton, to care for the Ellston and Pumptown Cemeteries for $500 to be paid at the rate of $75 for month for 6 months and the balance of %0 afterwards on approval of the work. The tax levy was set at $350. Signed: Francis Walters (Clerk), Raymond Green. In Nov, trustees met at Francis Walters’ home. It was decided to meet at the cemetery and locate the drive to be graveled.

1962, in April: trustees and town council met at Ellston City Hall. Cemetery levy was set at $350. Lee Creveling was appointed to fill the trustee vacancy caused by the resignation of Leland Walters. There were no cemetery caretaker bids. In Dec., trustees met at John Grose home. Raymond Green and John Grose were present. It was decided to look at cost of graveling another driveway in cemetery, not to exceed $200, and see if town would share the cost. Signed: Francis Walters (Clerk), J.E. Grose.

1961, in May: trustees met with John Grose and Raymond Green present. Raymond Green was selected as chairman. The $230 balance for cemetery care was paid. The church $500 bid for cemetery care was accepted. The cemetery levy was set for $350. Signed: Francis Walters (Clerk).

1960 in April: the trustees and representatives of the town council met as the cemetery board and voted to finish paying for last year’s cemetery care in the amount of $110. The levy for next year was set at $350. Signed: Francis Walters (Clerk), Leland Walters. In May, the trustees and representatives of the town council met as the cemetery board to consider bids for a cemetery caretaker. The bid of the Ellston Methodist Church for $500 was unanimously accepted. Signed: Francis Walters (Clerk), Leland Walters.

1959, in Mar: the trustees met at home of John Grose. Raymond Green was sworn in as new trustee. John Grose was elected chairman. The clerk was reimbursed for a mistake in the check to Richard Pistole. It was decided to advertise twice for a cemetery caretaker. Signed: Francis Walters (Clerk), J.E. Grose (Chairman). In April, Trustees met at Ellston Town Hall with town council. Cemetery levy was set at $350. No bids for caretaker. Signed: Francis Walters (Clerk), J.E. Grose (Chairman). In May, Ellston Methodist Church agreed to care for the Ellston and Pumptown cemeteries for $500 with Raymond Greene and John Grose being responsible.

1958: On April 8: the trustees met at Ellston Town Hall. Bills paid: $108.14 to Grand River Limestone Co for cemetery crushed rock, $1.50 to Francis Walters for caretaker advertisement. Levy set at $350 for cemetery fund. No caretaker bid was submitted for the Ellston and Pumptown Cemeteries. Signed: Francis Walters (Clerk), Lyle Hosfield (Chairman), J.E. Grose. On April 18, met at Ellston Town Hall with John Gross and Lyle Hosfield present and Ernest Buell from the Town Council. Caretaker bids for $450 were submitted by E.A. Reynolds, Jack Clark, and the Ellston Methodist Church. The church was unanimously accepted.

1958, in Feb: the trustees met at Lyle Hosfield’s home. Leland Walters was sworn in as a new trustee. Lyle Hosfield was elected Chairman. It was decided to put some gravel on the cemetery drive and William Greene was appointed to secure the gravel. It was decided to advertise twice for a cemetery caretaker. Signed: Francis Walters (Clerk), Lyle Hosfield (Chairman), J.E. Grose.

1958: On April 8: the trustees met at Ellston Town Hall. Bills paid: $108.14 to Grand River Limestone Co for cemetery crushed rock, $1.50 to Francis Walters for caretaker advertisement. Levy set at $350 for cemetery fund. No caretaker bid was submitted for the Ellston and Pumptown Cemeteries. Signed: Francis Walters (Clerk), Lyle Hosfield (Chairman), J.E. Grose. On April 18, met at Ellston Town Hall with John Gross and Lyle Hosfield present and Ernest Buell from the Town Council. Caretaker bids for $450 were submitted by E.A. Reynolds, Jack Clark, and the Ellston Methodist Church. The church was unanimously accepted.

1957: Francis Walters was sworn in as Township Clerk. John Grose was sworn in as trustee. John Grose was selected to attend Supervisors’ road maintenance meeting. On April 1, the trustees met at John Grose’s home. The cemetery levy was set at $350. It was voted to advertise in the Record News for a cemetery caretaker. On April 15, the trustees met at Donald Wood’s home. Marion Creveling’s bill of $72.95 was paid. George Hosfield and David Robison’s mowing bid of $450 was accepted. In Oct. the trustees met at Francis Walter’s home.

1956, in April: the trustees met in Hardware Store with town council to discuss hiring cemetery caretaker. It was decided to rehire Marion Creveling for $500. In Nov, the trustees met in home of Donald Wood. It was discussed to make a blue print map of the cemetery. (Map was drawn by Richard Pistale for $12.50)

1955: Donald Wood was sworn in as new trustee. Levy was set at $300. Marion Creveling bill of $70.75 was paid. Marion Creveling’s bid for $450 for cemetery caretaker using his own equipment to mow grass and to remove excess dirt from graves for $5 each was accepted. The bid includes the mowing of Pumptown Cemetery once prior to Memorial Day. A used mower belonging to the cemetery association was sold to Lyle Hosfield for $1.

1954: Levy was set at $450. Bills approved were: $57.60 to Grand River Limestone Co. for gravel, $48 to Lawrence Creveling for hauling gravel, $88 to Marion Creveling for cemetery expenses. It was agreed to hire Marion Creveling as cemetery caretaker the same as last year.

1953, in Jan: township assessor Leo Gibson met to equalize tax values on land in the township. New trustee Lyle Hosfield was sworn in. In April, the levy was set at $600. Plans were made to gravel the drive through the cemetery. Marion Creveling was hired to care for the cemetery for $450 with $5 for moving dirt from each new grave. It was agreed to share half the expense of moving the body of the Bovine child to the correct lot.

1952, in Feb: John Grose was selected to represent township at Supervisors road maintenance meeting. A trip was made to inspect the cemetery fences. In April, trustees met at Creveling’s Hardware. Cemetery levy was set at $600. No bids were submitted for cemetery caretaker. Marion Creveling, Cemetery care taker.

1951, February 5: Trustees met at Ellston with all members present New Member, John Grose, was sworn in. Ralph Mason was selected to meet in Mt Ayr with Supervisors to discuss road program. Trustees Clyde Johnston, RW Mason, JE Grose. Cecil Cornwall, Clerk. Cemetery levy set at $600. No bids submitted for cemetery care. Virgil Thompson paid for Cemetery Care.

1950: Virgil Thompson, paid for cemetery care

1950, April 26: The trustees met with two members present, Leland Walters and Ralph Mason. The meeting was held in Creveling Brothers Store with the town council in order to vote on a caretaker for the cemetery and to discuss other business. There were only two bids for the job entered and the three hundred dollar bid of Virgil Thompson was unanimously accepted. It was agreed to go ahead and purchase wire enough to fence that part of the cemetery that was intended to have been completed last year. Cecil Cornwall, Clerk.     

1950, Feb 6: the trustees met with two members present. Leland Walters and Ralph Mason, the latter being sworn in as the new member. It was agreed to meet later when all members could be present, to discuss the county levy for 1950 and to take up the matter of a caretaker for the cemetery. Meeting was adjourned after making out a warrant. Cecil Cornwall, Clerk.

1949: Robert (Bob) Hall, paid for Cemetery Care

1949, April 12: Trustees met Tuesday evening, with town council to hire a caretaker for the cemetery. After notes were counted, it was found that Bob Hall received the majority. A salary of $300 for the season was agreed upon. The problem of building a new fence around the south-east and the south line of the cemetery was discussed. It was agreed upon with Clarence Jackson for Jacksons to build along the east boundary from the steel posts in south to the south-east corner past and the township build the south boundary. There being approximately 20 rods in each division. It was also agreed upon to fence each division with heavy four posts were using hedge posts. At least nine new posts are needed for the south boundary and one post and one brace for the west boundary. It was thought best to require the caretaker to mow the cemetery on the average of twice a month, to cut weeds and grass out of the fence, and to mow along the west embankment at least twice; once before Memorial Day, and once afterwards. Cecil Cornwall, Clerk.

1949, April 4: Trustees met with all members present except Leland Walters. They met with the town council to discuss the cemetery levy. It was agreed to ask for an increase of $50 per year or $550. It was also agreed to meet Sunday morning April cemetery boundary. Also to hire the trash moved from the drive way. Cecil Cornwall, Clerk. Floyd Creveling and Clyde Johnston trustees.

1949, Mar 2: trustees met with all members present to discuss assessment values with county assessor. Cecil Cornwall, Clerk. Trustees: Floyd Creveling, Leland Walters, Clyde Johnston

1949, Feb. 26: Trustees met with all members present. Floyd Creveling as chairman swore in the new member, Clyde Johnston. Also the clerk, Cecil Cornwall was sworn in. A motion the trustees agreed to meet with the County Assessor on March 2nd. The trustees appointed Floyd Creveling as representative to meet with Board of supervisors in regard to the county grading approved roads. It approved to allow Paul Jackson $1 rent per meeting. Cecil Cornwall, Clerk.

1948, Jan 27: Trustees met with all members present for the purpose of road grading for the three year plan. Year 1948, one mile of east and west road beginning two miles south of Ellston and going one mile west, 1949 one mile of east and west road beginning one mile north of Ellston and going one mile east, and for 1950 one mile of east and west road beginning three east of Ellston. T.A. Fouser, Clerk. Trustees: R.L. O’Grady, Leland Walters, Floyd Creveling

1948, April 5: Trustees met with Marion Creveling and Q.R. Chew which completed the cemetery board. The levy was raised from $300 to $500. Virgil Thompson was hired to take care of Ellston and Pumptown cemeteries the full year for $300. T.A. Fouser, Clerk. Trustees: R.L. O’Grady Chairman, Floyd Creveling, Leland Walters.

1948, Nov 1: Trustees meet with Marion Creveling and Q.R. Chew. All agreed that Virgil C. Thompson had done his work well as cemetery care. All of us be allowed and the clerk to pay Floyd Marroner for the grave dug by mistake. T.A. Fouser, Clerk. Trustees: R.L. O’Grady, Floyd Creveling, Leland Walters.

1948: Raymond Green Cemetery Care and Virgil Thompson Cemetery Care

1947: Raymond Green, paid for Cemetery Care

1947, April 12: Trustees met with Raymond Green to see about reducing his taxes on 516 acres of land. O’Grady made the motion, German seconded that he should see county auditor to see how his taxes were in portion with adjoining land. Buell, Hinderson, and Chew then joined completing cemetery board. Bids for care of cemeteries were $300 by Raymond Green, $300 by Carl Hullingar. Motion made by O’Grady seconded by German that a new mower was got. Motion carried. Floyd Creveling, Lynn Buell, Raymond O’Grady, and T.A. Fouser appointed to go to Creston to see if could buy said mower. T.A. Fouser, Clerk. Trustees: Raymond O’Grady, Floyd Creveling, and Clyde German.

1947, April 7: Trustees meet with Raymond O’Grady Chairman, Floyd Creveling, and Clyde German present. Meet with Lynn Buell, Willard Hindersen and Ike Chew for the cemetery duties. A levy was set at $300. J.A. Fouser, Clerk Trustees: Raymond O’Grady, Floyd Creveling, and Clyde German.

1947, Feb 3: Trustees meeting with O’Grady as chairman. German and Creveling present. Motion made and seconded that one mile of east and west road be ditched beginning one mile north of west side of Ellston and going east and two mile of north and south roads, beginning one mile north of north and one half west of Ellston going north. T.A. Fouser, Clerk. Trustees: Raymond O’Grady, Clyde German, and Floyd Creveling.

1946, April 1: Trustees meeting following members present: German, O’Grady, Kniglet. Trustees examined assessor’s books. Motion was made by O’Grady and seconded by German that cemetery board meet at 8pm, April 1. Motion was made by Lynn Buell and seconded by German that levy be set at $300. O.K. Kniglet serving as drasnman. Lowered assessment value of Chas. Curtis farm from $18-$14. Donald Walters, Clerk. Trustees: O.K. Kniglet, Clyde German, R.L. O’Grady.

1945, April 2: Trustees meeting following members present: German and O’Grady. Went over assessors books. Board set levy of $200. Voted to advertise for bids for caretaker of Ellston and Pumptown cemeteries. Bids to be in by the 14th of April. Donald Walters, Clerk. RL O’Grady and Clyde German.

1947, April 7: Trustees meet with Raymond O’Grady Chairman, Floyd Creveling, and Clyde German present. Meet with Lynn Buell, Willard Hindersen and Ike Chew for the cemetery duties. A levy was set at $300. J.A. Fouser, Clerk Trustees: Raymond O’Grady, Floyd Creveling, and Clyde German.

Trustees meeting following members present German, O’Grady, Kniglet. Decided to advertise for bids for care takers of Ellston and Pumptown cemeteries. Bids to be in by April 19th. Donald Walters, Clerk. Clyde L German, R.L. O’Grady, O.K. Kniglet.

April 5, 1943: trustees meeting following members present: Clyde German, O’Grady, Kniglet. Went over assessor's books. Board elected O.K. Kniglet president. Board set levy of $100 for cemetery fund. Decided to advertise for bids for caretaker of Ellston and Pumptown cemeteries. Bids to be in by April 17th. Donald Walters, Clerk. Trustees O.K. Kniglet & Clyde German.

1943, Jan 21: Board of trustees met in Special session for the purpose of appointing an assessor for the township. Motion by German that Earl Adams be appointed as assessor. Seconded by O’Grady. Motion carried (Fouser aye) (German aye) O’Grady Aye) George E Anderson, Clerk. Trustees Clyde L German, RL O’Grady, John Fouser. Feb 1, 1943 Trustees meeting following members present Clyde German, O.K. Kniglet. 1942, Feb 2: Trustees meeting following members present: Clyde German, Raymond L. O’Grady, John Fouser. Marked out road to be graded. On April 6, trustees met with German, O’Grady, and Fouser. They went over the assessors books and changed Carl McAlexander’s assessment to read School District #4 instead of #5. Levied $75 for cemetery fund. Decided to advertise for bids on Ellston and Pumptown care taker for cemeteries bids to be in by noon on April 18th. George E Anderson, Clerk. Clyde L German, JW Beardsley qualified for assessor. Earl M Adams couldn’t qualify on account of living inside of city limits. George E Anderson, Clerk

1941, Feb 3: Trustees met at Ellston Barber Shop. John Fouser and Clyde L. German trustees present for the transaction of business. Motion made by John Fouser, seconded by Clyde German that Raymond O’Grady be appointed to take place of RR Waggoner as trustee. Motion Carried. George Anderson sworn in as Clerk by Clyde L German. Assessor William Beardsley met with board to discuss assessment of real estate in township. According to the check book, the cemetery fund hard $132.98.

1941, April 7: The trustee’s met at the Ellston Barber Shop going into the assessment of …Levied on cemetery fund $150. Signed Raymond L O’Grady, Clyde L German, John Fouser.

1940, Feb. 5: Trustees Waggoner, German, Barbour. Moved by Waggoner, seconded by German that they accept the resignation of Gilmore Barbour as Trustee. Motion carried. Moved by German, seconded by Waggoner that we appoint John Fouser to fill vacancy for the year. Motion carried. CL German gave Fouser oath of office. Moved by German, seconded by Fouser, we appoint Waggoner as Chairman of the Board. Motion Carried. Moved by German, seconded by Fouser, we instruct town clerk to advertise for cemetery bid 2 weeks before April meeting. Motion carried. Raymond Johnston, Clerk. April 1, 1940, trustees met with German, Waggoner, and Fouser present. Tax levy for the year was $250. Raymond Johnston, Clerk. Sept 16, 1940, the trustees met at George E Andersons with all the trustees present. The purpose of this meeting was to estimate the damage done to Welda’s corn and feed by George E Anderson’s cattle. The trustees decided that the cattle damaged the corn field to the north of $1 an acre in a fifteen acre field and $5 damage done to ground feed and allowed $5 for taking cattle up and feeding them from Friday evening until Monday afternoon. Trustees Clyde German, John Fouser, RJ Waggoner. Reconsideration: The trustees decided that keeping three of these cows away from their calves that George E Anderson be allowed $2.50 damages to his cows. Raymond Johnston, Clerk.

1940, Nov. 4: The trustees met at Ellston Barber shop with the following trustees present: RN Waggoner, Clyde German, and John Fouser. A final settlement6 was made to WJ Jackson as cemetery worker for the year. Cash on hand: $132.98. Trustees Clyde German, John Fouser, RJ Waggoner. Raymond Johnston, Clerk.

1939, Feb 6: Trustees met, turned township books over to Raymond Johnston (new Clerk) Trustees Clyde L. German, RK Waggoner, and John Fouser

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